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2012年9月11日 星期二
郭林新气功激发人体自愈功能 “俭、便、廉、验”的临床效果赢得医学专家及百姓信赖
2012年9月9日 星期日
吳女士去年二月確診患第一期乳腺癌,三月即接受右邊乳房及淋巴組織切除手術,並利用腹部脂肪進行乳房重建,其主診醫生及家人均建議她在術後接受化療及標靶藥治療,但她擔心出現嚴重副作用,經朋友介紹下她學習郭林氣功。「我依家堅持每日用兩個鐘練功,除咗改善到氣促問題,個肚都再無麻痹感覺;血液循環又好咗,起碼指甲顏色已經變番紅潤,個人亦都無咁大壓力。」她現時配合氣功及中藥治療,遠離煙酒及刺激性食品,望減低復發機會。吸大量氧氣 阻癌症擴散
anticancer guolin qigong in Malaysia
Holistic gathering
Conference on holistic healing for cancer to be held in Malaysia.
THE role of traditional medication in cancer treatment in modern times will be the highlight of the 2nd Malaysian International Conference on Holistic Healing for Cancer, which will be held on on Sept 15 in Kuala Lumpur.
Foreign and local experts will discuss how alternative healing and ancient remedies can be integrated successfully with modern medication to ease serious diseases like breast cancer, at the one-day event.
The topics to be discussed during the meeting include ayurveda (science of longevity),qigong (life energy), vasthu sastra (Indian feng shui), yoga, and mental health discipline.
Speakers who will be participating at the conference are Cansurvive Research founder Eve Williamson, Cansurvive Centre president Dr C.D. Siby, Universiti Malaya parasitology consultant Prof Dr G Suresh Kumar, Sunday Star Ancient Secrets columnist and vasthu sastra author T. Selva, founding president of Guolin Qigong Association Malaysia Dr Amir Farid Isahak, spiritual healer Myra Lewin from Hawaii, United States, and consultant breast surgeon Datuk Dr Suseela Nair.
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